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Does Your Concrete Contractor Make the Cut

24 August 2016

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You’re overseeing a huge job, and want to ensure the subcontractors you hire for your project will do the job right, and do it on time.

Delays due to inaccurate or shoddy work are unacceptable, and you know that your Champaign concrete contractor has to have the latest tools and expertise to keep your project moving.

What to Look For in a Concrete Cutting Contractor

There are vast differences in the quality of concrete contractors. One important quality and protective aspect is whether the contractor has the proper equipment for your project. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPS) can pre-determine concrete slab thickness, as well as locations of conduits, pipes, rebar, cables, and soil-bound hazards like propane tanks. Without this equipment, your project runs the risk of time delays and reconstructive work that is not on your promised timeline.

Your contractor may promise a good price, but again, ensure he is using equipment and up-to-date methods that will get the job done without extra headaches and possible delays. For example, some contractors use conventional methods of wall sawing to attempt cutting openings for stairs, windows, HVAC systems, and even elevator shafts. This method can create imprecise openings that cause delays while patchwork is done, and debris as well as noise can preclude other work from being completed nearby. If your contractor uses high-tech wall saws, precise cuts are made, and noise and debris are kept to a minimum. Most importantly, the job is done right.

Are there areas on your job site where fume-free excavation is essential? If you have other work going on nearby, you must assure your clients that the concrete contractor can get the job done without emitting noxious fumes. Check with your contractor to make sure this is the case.

How about OSHA compliance? There are often tight spaces in a demolition area that are unsafe for workers. The best concrete companies will have equipment that ensures employee safety, such as remote-controlled demolition robots.

Employee training and certification is another look-for. The Concrete and Sawing Drilling Association (CSDA) offered trainings and certifications for concrete workers. The company you choose for your project should be closely affiliated with CSDA, and its workers certified to do their jobs. Safety should be paramount.

What Other Abilities Should a Concrete Company Have?

A well-versed concrete company offers much more than concrete pouring and excavation, and understand the correlation of telecommunications, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC needs. Core drilling done for these purposes must be versatile. Does the contractor have the ability, for example, to drill a core through a ceiling upside-down, should space not allow a top drill? Are they using diamond-cut technology, which results in precision cuts, or will patchwork have to be done after the cut is made?

In areas that need simple re-aligning, does the company offer concrete grooving? This cost-effective technology allows you to save both time and money on your project by avoiding expensive excavation of some areas, and adding rumble strips or grooved re-alignment to pre-existing concrete.

How to Find the Best Contractor

If you are looking for a contractor who can meet all of the above specifications and more, contact us. We are Cobra Concrete Cutting Services, and have proudly, efficiently, and safely served the Chicago area for over seventeen years. With our new location in Champaign, we’re ready to help you with your next project.

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