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Concrete Cutting—Using the Proper Equipment

30 December 2016

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Cobra Concrete Cutting Services Co. is the top commercial concrete contractor in the Chicagoland area. When choosing the proper equipment, we first consider these factors.


The tools required are based on the length and depth of the cut. For longer and deeper cuts, a walk-behind slab saw is the safest and most efficient tool to use. Slab sawing is also known as flat or road sawing and allows the operator to cut larger areas more efficiently. At Cobra, we have large diesel saws that can cut up to 32” deep, with more than 110 horsepower. The large saws are much heavier and allow for straighter cuts. Self-propelled saws are more efficient for operators to use over long distances. For short and shallow cuts, we use smaller, lower-powered saws that are intended to give the operator precise control over the saw. Our smaller saws are lighter, powered by gas or electric.


The length and depth of the cut is important, but the material being cut can have just as much influence on the type and size of saw required for a particular project. Aggregate, curing time, and sand are important factors to consider when assessing saw/blade needs. Based upon geographical location, the hardness of aggregates can change, thus impacting your equipment. For example, if you use a blade on concrete with a softer aggregate, and then use the same blade on concrete made with much harder aggregate, the reduction in blade life is obvious due to the harder makeup of the concrete. Blade suppliers offer specific recommendations based on different geographical aggregates and cut requirements, which helps match the blade to the requirements of the cut. Different blades operate best at different rotations-per-minute (RPM). Using a high RPM diamond blade at a lower RPM could cause the blade to round out and cease cutting.  When scheduling your next concrete project, it is crucial to hire a company that has both experience in that geographical location and with a large variety of different projects.


Cobra Concrete Cutting Services Co. has been trusted for over 15 years in the Chicagoland area as one of the largest sawing and drilling contractors. Our projects include: hospitals, universities, malls, hotels, and tourist attractions. The Cobra team consists of professional operators who have the expertise to match the proper saw/blade needs with your cutting project. Our goal is to make sure the job is done precisely, efficiently, and safely. If you have any questions, please contact Cobra Concrete.

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